Planning has been approved for a major residential development on a Killarney site that was previously refused permission, due to potential impacts on the Lesser Horseshoe Bat.
Portal Asset Holdings Ltd re-applied for the 224-unit to be built on a greenfield site at Port Road and St Margaret’s Road.
The units are to include houses and apartments, while the development will also include a creche and outdoor playground.
This development originally included 228 residential units, however, was refused in 2022 because of the potential impact lighting from the buildings would have on the Lesser Horseshoe Bat.
This new application includes a slightly scaled down development of 224 units, including 76 houses and 148 apartments.
Permission was granted by Kerry County Council subject to 46 conditions with planners stating that the proposed development “would not seriously damage the amenities of the adjoining area”.
Portal Asset Holdings Ltd claims that the impact on the Lesser Horseshoe Bat has been investigated and that a dedicated bat report has been prepared by a licensed bat specialist.
Several appeals have been submitted to An Bord Pleanála by local residents and the Laune Salmon Anglers Association on the basis of its proximity to Killarney National Park.
A decision is due on November 14th.