
Killarney hotel attends travel summit in Florida

May 15, 2024 13:16 By radiokerrynews
Killarney hotel attends travel summit in Florida
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida – Tourism Ireland is promoting the island of Ireland as a luxury destination at the 11th annual Luxury Travel Advisors (LTA) ULTRA Summit in Florida this week. PIC SHOWS: Sarah Hamilton, Tourism Ireland; and Garrett Power, Muckross Hotel & Spa, at the Luxury Travel Advisors (LTA) ULTRA Summit in Florida.
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The Muckross Park Hotel and Spa in Killarney has been attending the 11th annual Luxury Travel Advisors (LTA) ULTRA Summit in Florida.

Tourism Ireland is promoting Ireland at the event, which offers businesses an opportunity to meet and do business with the luxury travel buyers.

LTA ULTRA Summit is a three-day event attended by travel advisors from the United States who specialise in high-spend luxury travel.

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