Inland Fisheries Ireland’s (IFI) sponsorship programme is awarding 30,000 euro (€30,000) in supports for 83 angling events and initiatives in 2024.
This includes juvenile angling at Lough Barfinnihy, which is organised by Killarney Salmon & Trout Angling Club.
IFI is the state environmental agency responsible for conserving and managing Ireland's inland fisheries and sea angling resources by protecting freshwater fish and habitats
It says it uses the sponsorship funding to promote sustainable angling tourism in rural areas and to assist initiatives for beginner and young anglers.
More than 320 people work for IFI full-time in locations nationwide.
It has an annual budget of approximately €39 million.
The agency has statutory responsibility for Ireland’s 74,000km of rivers and streams, together with 128,000 lake hectares.
It also has a coastline patrol jurisdiction of 12 nautical miles.