Media Literacy and Me

Media Literacy and Me: Episode Two - April 15th, 2024

Apr 15, 2024 14:26 By radiokerrypodcast
Media Literacy and Me: Episode Two - April 15th, 2024
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This is the second in a six-part series on media literacy. This episode intends to explain what the media - whether it's broadcast media like Radio Kerry, newspapers, or even people commenting on social media - can or cannot state during trials. John Galvin, secretary of the Kerry Law Society, explains how fundamental rights to a fair trial and to a good name impact on what can be said about a court case. This doesn't just apply to criminal trials but other types of cases. There are also implications for what can be said - whether it's on air, on print, or in social media - about a matter that's not before the courts. Under the constitution, people are entitled to the right to a good name which means you cannot defame them unless it’s been proven they've done wrong.
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