In the fourth episode of the latest series of EU & Me, which is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs’ Communicating Europe initiative, primary school pupils ask citizens of other EU states about their home countries’ cultures and traditions. Uwe Hild from Germany, Ameli Persson from Sweden, and Klaus Zaivgne from Latvia now all call Kerry home. They’re asked questions – including some about Christmas celebrations – submitted by Darragh Ó Catháin and Mara Ní Liatháin from Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail, and Katelyn Nester and Micheál O’Connor of Murhur National School. Alexia Belova Ní Fhlannagáin attends Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail; her mother is from Lithuania and Alexia talks about her Irish-Lithuanian heritage. Nadejda Karakehayova is also a pupil at Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail. Her parents are from Bulgaria and Belarus and she describes how her family background has informed her project. Radio Kerry thanks Seána Ní Chuain, principal of Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail and Anna Curtin who teaches at Murhur National School for their help.