
Five convicted in court for littering in Kerry so far this year

Sep 18, 2023 08:10 By radiokerrynews
Five convicted in court for littering in Kerry so far this year
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Five people have been convicted in court for littering in Kerry so far this year.

That’s according to figures provided to councillors at the recent Tralee Municipal District meeting.

The figures outline the number of complaints, fines issued and court prosecutions for environmental matters.


Almost 450 litter complaints were made to Kerry County Council up to the end of July this year.

The council issued 61 fines for littering during that time, 26 of which were paid.

Five people were convicted through the courts for littering, resulting in €2,275 being awarded to the council.


Kerry County Council received 33 complaints about air in that time, with one conviction resulting in a payout of €1,500 to the council.

190 complaints about waste were lodged with the council in the first seven months of the year, resulting in one court conviction with €825 awarded to the council.

There were 84 complaints about water made to the council during that period, but no fines or convictions have followed so far this year.

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