
Councillors give go ahead to traffic calming works in Listowel

Aug 1, 2021 16:08 By radiokerrynews
Councillors give go ahead to traffic calming works in Listowel
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Councillors have given the go ahead for traffic calming works to take place in Listowel.

Members of the Listowel Municipal District held a special meeting, to consider the chief executive's report on proposed works in the town.

The works were under Part 8 legislation, which is, in effect, the council applying to its members for planning permission, following a period of public consultation.


The proposed works in Upper Church Street, Ballygologue, which is part of the N69, will result in traffic calming measures, wider footpaths and traffic islands being constructed, and there will be access to the new greenway.

Cycleways will also be widened and realigned, a pedestrian crossing will be upgraded and the road will be resurfaced.

Kerry County Council says the current excessive width and straight alignment encourage high traffic speeds on Upper Church Street.


Following a period of public consultation, 15 submissions were received, with a number from Listowel residents being against the works, while the Listowel Business and Community Alliance was in favour.

The concerns listed include claims traffic calming measures will be a risk to nearby residents, there's no adequate parking facilities proposed, additional walking and bicycle traffic will impact on traffic and there are alternative routes which could be used.

A submission also claimed the proposal will greatly impact on 26 private houses and six housing estates.


Cathaoirleach of the MD councillor Mike Kennelly was in favour of the proposal, saying it'll help with the unification of the town in terms of accessibility.

The Listowel MD councillors voted for the works, five in favour, with Sinn Féin councillor Robert Beasley absent from the meeting.

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