Almost 1,550 people are on the social housing waiting list in the Killarney area.
That’s according to figures provided at the recent Killarney Municipal District meeting.
1543 people are awaiting social housing in the Killarney MD, that includes from other municipal districts, who have indicated Killarney as one of their 3 areas of choice.
Of this figure 842 applicants are awaiting one bed units, while 360 are awaiting two bed homes.
There are over 270 (272) people on the list for three bed houses, 62 applicants are awaiting 4 bed units; while 7 people are on the list for 5 bed houses.
There are currently 1,077 tenancies in total within the municipal district, that includes 545 in Local Authority housing, over 300 (312) in HAP tenancies, 151 under the Rental Accommodation Scheme and almost 70 (69) tenancies under leasing in the area.
Meanwhile, there are a total of 15 vacant dwellings in the MD, these include 8 properties which are under repair and unallocated, 1 under repair and allocated, 2 awaiting repairs, and 2 repaired dwellings which are awaiting allocation or occupation.