
Two Kerry pubs ranked in top 30 in Europe

Feb 4, 2025 13:04 By radiokerrynews
Two Kerry pubs ranked in top 30 in Europe
Picture given to us with permission by Mary 'Declan' O'Neill
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Two Kerry pubs have been listed in the top 30 bars in Europe.

The European Bar Guide ranks the top 100 bars across Europe, and Dick Macks in Dingle and Tig Bhric in Ballyferriter are both in the top 30.

Tig Bhric, described as a small West Kerry brewery with cask beer in a wonderfully cosy pub with views of the peninsula, was ranked 28th.


Dick Mack’s was 17th in Europe, with the guide noting the brewery, wall of whiskey, haberdashery, garden, good craic and good song all making it one of the best in Europe.

The guide judges the bars on set criteria and does not receive any incentives for spotlighting the pubs on its list.

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