
Green Party environment spokesperson says North Kerry landbank is prime location for national gas emergency reserve

Nov 15, 2023 13:20 By radiokerrynews
Green Party environment spokesperson says North Kerry landbank is prime location for national gas emergency reserve
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The Green Party spokesperson on the environment, Brian Leddin, says the Tarbert-Ballylongford landbank is a prime choice for the location of a new gas emergency reserve for the country.

The coalition government of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Greens has decided in the interests of energy security, that such a reserve is needed.

The Government has agreed that it will be provided in a State facility, most likely as a liquefied natural gas (LNG) storing ship situated in a deep water berth.


Deputy Leddin says he has no objections to this being operated on the basis of a public-private partnership.

Meanwhile, Deputy Brian Leddin rejected criticism from environmental groups.


Safety Before LNG accused Environment Minister and Green Party leader Eamon Ryan, of signalling his intentions of doing a U-turn on the current government policy - against LNG terminals and the importation of fracked gas into Ireland.

However, Deputy Brian Leddin says the Russian invasion of Ukraine changed everything and that security of energy supply is needed.

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