Social housing units are sought by almost 550 applicants in the Corca Dhuibhne MD area.
That’s according to figures provided at the recent Municipal District meeting.
There are 546 applicants awaiting social housing list for the Corca Dhuibhne MD area.
This includes transfers from other areas which have listed Corca Dhuibhne as one of their three areas of choice.
Excluding transfers 329 applicants are awaiting social housing in the municipal district.
288 of the applications are for one-bed units in the area; 132 applications are waiting for 2 bed homes; 106 are awaiting 3 bed units; 17 applications are on the list for 4 bed houses; while 3 applications are for 5 bed homes.
There are currently 3 vacant units in the Corca Dhuibhne MD; of these one dwelling is under repair and unallocated, while two homes are awaiting repairs.
In total within the Castleisland-Corca Dhuibhne MD 1,056 applicants are awaiting social housing.
Sinn Féin councillor for the Corca Dhuibhne LEA, Robert Brosnan has aired concerns on how the figures are reported by Kerry County Council.
He has described the figures as disingenuous, adding while there are 546 applicants, he believes the number of people waiting for social housing in the area is much higher.